HANDPICKED VENDOR > end of day > site fee 2024Thank you for an incredible day Vendors- we couldnt do this without you! Name of Contact Person * First Name Last Name Business Name * Please specify your Total Sales including GST * this figure $ needs to match the image of your end of day print out Please calculate your 15% site fee payable to Handpicked on total sales * If you are a foodie that has collected vouchers, Please deduct the value of any vouchers from this 15%. Your figure should be > 15% of sales less vouchers = amount owing to Handpicked Festival. Here are the Bank Details to pay Lake Breeze direct. Please let us know which option suits you NAME: Lake Breeze Events / NAB BSB: 085-745 AC:48 752 7268 I will pay Lake Breeze direct via BSB & AC I would like an invoice emailed to me please Thank you again for such a wonderful day. You all mean the world to us and we do hope this event was magical and successful for you all x Much Love Kate, Lauren & Nikkip.s- we will email through your 15% invoice shortly.